Thursday, September 3, 2020

Biography of Robert Cavelier de la Salle, Explorer

History of Robert Cavelier de la Salle, Explorer Robert Cavelier de la Salle (November 22, 1643â€March 19, 1687) was a French pioneer credited with asserting Louisiana and the Mississippi River Basin for France. What's more, he investigated a significant part of the Midwest locale of what might turn into the United States just as segments of Eastern Canada and the Great Lakes. On his last journey, his endeavor to set up a French settlement at the mouth of the Mississippi River met with debacle. Quick Facts: Robert Cavelier de la Salle Known For: Claiming the Louisiana Territory for FranceAlso Known As: Renã ©-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La SalleBorn: Nov. 22, 1643â in Rouen, FranceParents: Jean Cavelier, Catherine GeesetDied: March 19, 1687 nearâ the Brazos Riverâ in what is presently Texas Early Life Robert Cavelier de la Salle was on November 22, 1643, in Rouen, Normandy, France, into a rich trader family. His dad was Jean Cavelier, and his mom was Catherine Geeset. He went to Jesuit schools as a youngster and youthful and chose to surrender his legacy and take the promises of the Jesuit Order in 1660 to begin the way toward turning into a Roman Catholic cleric. By age 22, be that as it may, La Salle wound up pulled in to experience. He followed his sibling Jean, a Jesuit cleric, to Montreal, Canada (at that point called New France), and left the Jesuit request in 1967. Upon his appearance as a settler, La Salle was allowed 400 sections of land of land on the Island of Montreal. He named his territory Lachine, supposedly in light of the fact that it implies China in French; La Salle went through a lot of his time on earth attempting to discover a course through the New World to China. Investigation Begins La Salle gave land awards of Lachine, set up a town, and set out to become familiar with the dialects of the local individuals living in the zone. He immediately procured the language of the Iroquois, who let him know of the Ohio River, which they said streamed into the Mississippi. La Salle accepted that the Mississippi streamed into the Gulf of California and from that point, he figured, he would have the option to locate a western course to China. In the wake of accepting authorization from the legislative head of New France, La Salle sold his inclinations in Lachine and started arranging a campaign. La Salles first undertaking started in 1669. During this endeavor, he met Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette, two white pioneers, in Hamilton, Ontario. La Salles endeavor proceeded from that point and in the long run arrived at the Ohio River, which he followed similar to Louisville, Kentucky before he needed to come back to Montreal after a few of his men abandoned. After two years, Joliet and Marquette succeeded where La Salle had bombed when they explored the upper Mississippi River. Upon his arrival to Canada, La Salle administered the structure of Fort Frontenac,â on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario in present-day Kingston, Ontario, which was planned as a station for the zones developing hide exchange. The post, finished in 1673, was named after Louis de Baude Frontenac, the senator general of New France. In 1674, La Salle came back to France to increase regal help for his property claims at Fort Frontenac. He was conceded support and a hide exchange remittance, authorization to set up extra posts in the wilderness, and a title of honorability. With his freshly discovered achievement, La Salle came back to Canada and modified Fort Frontenac in stone. Second Expedition On Aug. 7, 1679, La Salle and Italian voyager Henri de Tonti set sail on Le Griffon, a boat he had fabricated that turned into the primary full-size cruising boat to venture to every part of the Great Lakes. The campaign was to start at Fort Conti at the mouth of the Niagara River and Lake Ontario. Prior to the journey, La Salles group got supplies from Fort Frontenac, evading Niagara Falls by utilizing a portage around the falls set up by Native Americans and conveying their provisions into Fort Conti. La Salle and Tonti then cruised Le Griffon up Lake Erie and into Lake Huron to Michilimackinac, close to the present-day Straits of Mackinac in Michigan, before arriving at the site of todays Green Bay, Wisconsin. La Salle then proceeded down the shore of Lake Michigan. In January 1680, he constructed Fort Miami at the mouth of the Miami River, presently the St. Joseph River, in todays St. Joseph, Michigan. La Salle and his group spent quite a bit of 1680 at Fort Miami. In December, they followed the waterway to South Bend, Indiana, where it joins the Kankakee River, at that point along this stream to the Illinois River, building up Fort Crevecoeur close to what is today Peoria, Illinois. La Salle left Tonti responsible for the post and came back to Fort Frontenac for provisions. While he was gone, Fort Crevecoeur was crushed by mutinying officers. Louisiana Expedition In the wake of collecting another group including 18 Native Americans and rejoining with Tonti, La Salle started the campaign he is generally known for. In 1682, he and his team cruised down the Mississippi River. He named the Mississippi Basin La Louisiane out of appreciation for King Louis XIV. On April 9, 1682, La Salle set an engraved plate and a cross at the mouth of the Mississippi River, formally asserting the Louisiana Territory for France. In 1683 La Salle set up Fort St. Louis at Starved Rock in Illinois and left Tonti in control while he came back to France to resupply. In 1684, La Salle set sail from Europe to build up a French settlement on the Gulf of Mexico at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Calamity The campaign began with four boats and 300 homesteaders, yet in an uncommon run of misfortune during the excursion, three of the boats were lost to privateers and wreck. The rest of the pioneers and group arrived in Matagorda Bay, in present-day Texas. Because of navigational blunders, La Salle had overshot his arranged landing spot, Apalachee Bay close to the northwestern curve of Florida, by many miles. Demise They built up a settlement close to what became Victoria, Texas, and La Salle started looking overland for the Mississippi River. Meanwhile, the final boat, La Belle, steered into the rocks and sank in the inlet. On his fourth endeavor to find the Mississippi, 36 of his team mutinied and on March 19, 1687, he was executed. After his demise, the settlement kept going just until 1688, when neighborhood Native Americans murdered the rest of the grown-ups and abducted the youngsters. Heritage In 1995, La Salles last boat, La Belle, was found at the base of Matagorda Bay on the Texas coast. Archeologists started a decades-in length procedure of uncovering, recuperating, and rationing the boats body and more than 1.6 million all around protected relics, including containers and barrels ofâ items expected to help another province and flexibly a military campaign into Mexico: instruments, cooking pots, exchange products, and weapons. They give amazing experiences into the procedures and supplies that were utilized to build up states in seventeenth century North America.â The protected structure of La Belle and many recuperated antiques are shown in the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin. Among La Salles other significant commitments was his investigation of the Great Lakes locale and the Mississippi Basin. His asserting of Louisiana for France added to unmistakable physical formats of urban areas in the far-going domain and to the way of life of its occupants. Sources Renã ©-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle: French Explorer. Reference book Britannica.Rene-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle.à ©-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle Biography. Belle: The Ship That Changed History.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Artist George Catlin Proposed Creation of National Parks

Craftsman George Catlin Proposed Creation of National Parks The production of the National Parks in the United States can be followed to a thought previously proposed by the prominent American craftsman George Catlin, who is best associated with his artistic creations of American Indians. Catlin voyaged widely all through North America in the mid 1800s, portraying and painting Indians, and recording his perceptions. What's more, in 1841 he distributed a great book, Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. While venturing to every part of the Great Plains during the 1830s, Catlin turned out to be intensely mindful that the equalization of nature was being wrecked in light of the fact that robes made of hide from the American buffalo (usually called the bison) had gotten truly in vogue in the urban areas of the East. Catlin insightfully noticed that the furor for wild ox robes would make the creatures wiped out. Rather than executing the creatures and utilizing almost all aspects of them for food, or to make attire and even apparatuses, Indians were being paid to slaughter wild ox for their hide alone. Catlin was nauseated to gain proficiency with the Indians were being misused by being paid in bourbon. Furthermore, the wild ox remains, when cleaned, were as a rule left to spoil on the prairie. In his book Catlin communicated a whimsical thought, basically contending that the bison, just as the Indians who relied on them, ought to be protected by being put aside in a Nations Park. Coming up next is the section wherein Catlin made his frightening recommendation: This piece of nation, which stretches out from the territory of Mexico to Lake Winnipeg on the North, is very nearly one whole plain of grass, which is, and ever should be, pointless to developing man. It is here, and here mainly, that the bison abide; and with, and drifting about them, live and prosper the clans of Indians, whom God made for the pleasure in that reasonable land and its luxuries.It is a despairing examination for one who has gone as I have through these domains, and seen this respectable creature in the entirety of its pride and brilliance, to mull over it so quickly squandering from the world, making the overpowering determination as well, which one must do, that its species is destined to be stifled, and with it the harmony and joy (if not the real presence) of the clans of Indians who are joint inhabitants with them, in the inhabitance of these huge and inactive plains.And what an awe inspiring thought as well, when one (who has voyage these domains, and can appro priately welcome them) envisions them as they may in future be seen (by some extraordinary securing arrangement of government)preserved in their immaculate magnificence and ferocity, in a wonderful park, where the world could see for a very long time to come, the local Indian in his great clothing, dashing his wild pony, with strong bow, and shield and spear, in the midst of the short lived crowds of elks and wild oxen. What a wonderful and exciting example for America to save and hold up to the perspective on her refined residents and the world, in future ages! A Nations Park, containing man and brute, in all the wild and newness of their temperaments beauty!I would ask no other landmark to my memory, nor some other enlistment of my name among the acclaimed dead, than the notoriety of having been the originator of such an establishment. Catlins proposition was not genuinely engaged at that point. Individuals absolutely didnt race to make an immense park so people in the future virus watch Indians and wild ox. Be that as it may, his book was powerful and experienced numerous versions, and he can be truly credited with first figuring the possibility of National Parks whose reason is save the American wild. The primary National Park, Yellowstone, was made in 1872, after the Hayden Expedition covered its glorious view, which had been strikingly caught by the expeiditions official picture taker, William Henry Jackson. What's more, in the late 1800s the essayist and globe-trotter John Muir would advocate for the protection of Yosemite Valley in California, and other common spots. Muir would get known as the dad of the National Parks, yet the first thought does really return to the works of a man best recognized as a painter.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Enders Game free essay sample

Wesley Bolton Samuel Good Jake Jones JonMichael Lopez Honors English 9-1 January 28, 2013 WORK CITED INFORMATION: Card, Orson. Ender’s Game. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1977. PLOT SUMMARY AND THEME OF THE NOVEL: Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, is the account of Andrew â€Å"Ender† Wiggin, a third conceived kid in a biased, cutting edge world, as he is selected to prepare at fight school to battle the â€Å"buggers†, an outsider species that recently attempted to clear out humankind. Much to his dismay that Colonel Graff, the officer of fight school, is the manikin ace of a plan to fiercely prepare Ender to lead the human armed forces to clear out the buggers; which he accidentally does. To evade political repercussions and the covetous hands of his more established sibling, Peter, Ender and his sister, Valentine, move to lead and populate the new states; this is the place Ender finds the last bugger sovereign pupa and attempts to make it his own journey to discover a spot for the animal varieties to repopulate and live in harmony. The subject of Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game is that occasionally you need to forfeit the couple of for some. CHARACTERS AND POINT OF VIEW: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card is the background to numerous inside and out characters that are basic to the plot. The story is written as an outsider looking in omniscient perspective however the peruser extremely just hears the considerations of Andrew â€Å"Ender† Wiggin, the kid hero of the story. Ender is a round and dynamic character in light of the fact that all through the story, you watch him grow up battling partialities and beating difficulties that have been put in his manner by the auxiliary opponent, Colonel Graff. The peruser identifies with Ender and sympathizes with his torment as he is given such a large number of difficulties that he nearly breaks. The auxiliary adversary is Colonel Graff, a level however powerful character who goes about as a manikin ace, controlling, disconnecting, testing, testing, and at last trim Ender into an officer that can spare mankind from the principle foe, the Buggers. Graff is a powerful character in light of the fact that from the start he appears to possibly think about getting another child through to check whether they are the pioneer they need yet later concludes that he really likes and thinks about Ender. The peruser feels a mixed sympathy for Graff as a result of his disgustingly coldblooded follows up on Ender that will in the end lead to the sparing of mankind. The principle foe are a gathering of outsiders that people call â€Å"buggers† which is a level, however powerful race of outsider which recently attempted to clear out mankind and have saved the people in dread for more than 70 years. This gathering is dynamic since when we are first presented them, they are attempting to murder the people yet later attempt to become a close acquaintence with Ender when they understand that he gets them and they leave their solitary possibility for endurance in his grasp. Another key character is Ender’s sibling Peter. Dwindle is the merciless more established sibling of Ender but on the other hand is the fuel to why Ender pummels himself. Subside is a round, static character. He is a round character since we thoroughly understand him and his activities that make him what his identity is. The peruser loathes Peter since he is to some degree an adversary to the principle character and couldn't care less for other people. The last character is Ender’s cherishing sister, Valentine. Valentine is the more established kin of Ender and is his consolation all through the story. She is a round yet static character. While we know her well overall and her actual goals, she never changes her position on things or what her identity is. The peruser likes Valentine since she is attempting to support Ender and love him. Scholarly DEVICES: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card utilizes a few scholarly components all through the book to enable us to comprehend what's going on. Imagery, when on item or character is utilized to speak to something different, is utilized all through the book. One model is when Ender is back on Earth and is chatting with Valentine about how much Ender scorns himself. Ender says, â€Å"In the second when I genuinely comprehend my foe, comprehend him alright to crush him, at that point in that exact instant do I likewise adore him. I think it’s difficult to truly get someone, what they need, what they accept, and not love them the manner in which they love themselves. And afterward, in that exact second when I love them-â€Å". (238) This is an image in light of the fact that in this novel there is a regular measure of adoration detest connections. Another artistic gadget is portending. Portending is when something is said or done that indicates what is to come. Every section for the most part starts with a discussion between Colonel Graff and Anderson. The conversations that happen normally allude to things to come in the story. In the start of section three, Graff is having a discussion with Anderson and says, â€Å"Persuade him that he needs to accompany us more than he needs to remain with her† (16). This is a case of anticipating in light of the fact that it indications to us that Graff will in the end persuade Ender to accompany him. The last scholarly gadget is incongruity. Incongruity is when what is said or done is inverse of what is normal. Ender’s Game shows emotional incongruity when it discloses to us the discussion among Graff and Anderson in Chapter eight. Graff says, â€Å"†¦. Think about each inconceivable, uncalled for star course of action you can. Consider different approaches to twist the standards. Late notice. Inconsistent powers. At that point run the reproductions and see which ones are hardest, which most effortless. We need to bring him along†. 97) This is emotional incongruity since we realize that these awful things will happen to Ender however Ender himself won't know. HOW READERS MAY RESPOND TO THIS WORK: The tale Ender’s Game is a mind boggling, complicated story intended for young and grown-up perusers who like science fictio n stories. This gathering of individuals might want this book since they could comprehend and identified with the characters. The completion leaves the peruser loaded up with confounding feelings. It leaves you feeling glad for Ender at long last discovering harmony with himself yet you despite everything feel dismal in light of the fact that you understand that while that is satisfying him, he will never discover genuine joy with himself.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Religion in Playing for the Devil’s Fire - Literature Essay Samples

The idea of religion is abstract and often met with a variety of both positive and negative connotations. To some, a church may be a symbol of hope and a reflection of moral resilience, to others, church may stand for hypocrisy and moral betrayals. In Phillippe Diederich’s novel Playing for the Devil’s Fire, Diederich addresses this dichotomy and uses character development to explore the differences between a relationship with God and relationship with the church. Diederich uses specific plot, representative characterization, and poignant dialogue to demonstrate the complex motivations of the church and address the baffling question of god. Religion holds an important role in society and generally puts forth a moral standard or obligation that people may expect their peers to uphold. In Immigrant America, Alejandro Portes and Ruben G. Rumbaut explains that â€Å"Sociologically, the significance of religionis to sustain moral cohesion and normative controls† (423). This definition of religion provides a basis for what society expects from religious constructs. It holds religion to a standard that guarantees protection and moral fortitude. In Diederich’s novel, the narrative demonstrates what happens when religion fails to uphold these agreed upon standards, exposing corruption in the church. Diederich illustrates the inherent trust individuals assign to the morality of the church and then explores the dismal repercussions when the institution of the church and its leaders prove to be undeserving of their congregations trust. Playing for the Devil’s Fire depicts the malicious effects of corruption and argues that not even a seemingly moral institution such as the church is immune to the terminal illness that is corruption. In the beginning of t he novel, Boli views the church in a optimistic light and even states that he â€Å"trusted [Father Gregorio] more than anyone else in town† (65). Boli values his relationship with the priest and believes him to be good and trustworthy. This notion reflects the definition given in Immigrant America and demonstrates Boli’s view of religion as a platform to, â€Å"sustain moral cohesion† (423). Boli believes Father Gregorio is genuinely concerned for him and the welfare of his family, but from the beginning of the tale Diederich hints that this trust may be misplaced. Towards the start of the novel, Boli is sitting in church and notices a great amount of new people in the town’s mass. Boli then states that, â€Å"You could almost smell their money over the incense† (62). This imagery introduces the relationship of money and church, and begins the narrative of corruption displayed by the Catholic church in this Mexican village. During this same church service, Boli’s grandmother looks at the crumbling ceiling of the church and remarks that, â€Å"This church†¦is falling apart† (64). This remark clearly takes on literal meaning, but the abuela’s comment it also symbolic of the beginning demise of the churchs moral standards. This idea of money influencing the church only grows as the novel continues. The priest that Boli originally views as kind and trustworthy proves to be deceitful and selfish. Father Gregorio filters false information, and begins showing preferential treatment to the new wealthy residence of the towns. This favoritism is confirmed one morning when Boli and his abuela attend a mass service that is performed in Latin because the newcomers request this. After the service Boli’s grandmother remarks to the priest that, â€Å"[he] seems quite eager with the new people, perhaps their money is worth more than ours?† (124). This continued tie between the church and money portrays Diederich’s theme that the church is not impenetrable to the temptations of corruption. Diederich suggests that religious leaders can be swayed by money and that this institution that is supposed to serve as a moral regulator can be convinced to look away from moral atrocities for the right price. Diederich contrasts this dismal view of religion by separating the ideas of church and faith. The author’s disparaging views of the corruptible nature of the church does not directly relate to Diederich’s views on God. Diederich constantly reminds his readers that an individuals relationship to the church is not necessarily tied to ones relationship with God. Boli explains early in his story that â€Å"I wasn’t the best Catholic, but I did fear God† (61). This explanation portrays a difference in Boli’s relationship with the church and his relationship with a deity. Despite Boli’s slight disconnect with his religion, it does not directly af fect his view of God. Boli does struggle with God but this altercation differs from his alienation with the church. After Boli’s parents have remained missing for a significant amount of time, Boli explains that â€Å"God was walking a thin line with me†¦. God had to prove to me that he still mattered† (122). This statement reflects Boli’s frustration with God and represents man’s common questioning of God’s goodness. Despite Boli’s frustrations, he continues to pray throughout the story and finds hope in his friendship with Chicano the luchador. Diederich emphasizes his view of God and church as separate entities in a crucial conversation that takes place between Boli and Chicano. Father Gregorio rejects Boli’s request to participate in the burial of Boli’s dog. Boli leaves feeling rejected and hurt and expressed that the priest’s actions are â€Å"unfair.† Chicano responds saying, â€Å"That’s why I dont go to church anymore.† Boli questions if this is because he does not believe in God, but Chicano responds by saying, â€Å"Of course I do. But if God is good and powerful, he can see through all this mierda.† Boli returns to the unfairness of the situation and remarks, â€Å"I can’t believe it. I thought he was my friend,† and Chicano simply responds with, â€Å"PriestsThey’re vultures† (208). In this conversation, God exists separately from church and Diederich addresses the idea that the mistakes made by the priest are not necessarily reflected in the traits of God. This conversation additionally reaffirms Diederich’s themes of corruption and suggests the priests can fall into patterns of betrayal and hypocrisy. Despite the endless stream of misfortune, Boli consistently turns to prayer in times of trouble. When facing the disappearance of his parents, the misplacement of his grandmother, the death of his dog, and other trials Boli frequently entreats God for help. It is not the Boli is not frustrated or disappointed, but he is able to maintain faith and hope throughout his suffering. It is clear the Boli struggles with God and does not understand why he is barrage with painful events. During the funeral for his dog, Boli emotionally cries out in prayer, â€Å"Please do something about our little town because we’re all sad and scared. Can’t you see us crying?† (210). This emotional quote displays a moment of hopelessness and poses the common question that asks, â€Å"if God is good why does he let terrible things happen?† Boli must wrestle with this question, but instead of becoming overwhelmed by his loss, Boli holds on to hope and faith even after losing everything. The pain and loss in Boli’s life only grows consuming the lives of his closest friends Mosco and Chicano. Even faced with insurmountable pain, Boli is not crushed but finds a foothold for hope. The novel en ds with Boli expressing that he is, â€Å"going to become a luchador. The best ever† (245). This ending portrays Boli’s inextinguishable resilience, but also his continued hold on faith. Boli rises as a symbol of hope and justice suggesting that light can be found in the darkest of situations. This representation answers the question about God’s goodness in the face of evil. Diederich expresses that no situation is without hope and that there is someone willing to stand against corruption and champion justice in every situation. When the church fails to support Boli in his time of desperation, hope and faith still continue within him. Diederich suggest that church is corruptible, but God is not. Even in a town engulfed with corruption and deceit, hope remains in the faith found in Boli. Phillippe Diederich writes a heartbreaking tale of corruption and loss in his story, Playing with the Devil’s Fire. In a tale that could easily leave the reader downtrodden with the notion that everything is susceptible to corruption, Diederich leaves a ray of hope. Diederich illustrates an infected portray of the Catholic church, demonstrating something that culturally stands for moral maintenance and trustworthy leadership overcome with betrayal, deceit, and a mercenary-like allegiance. Instead of leaving his story in this hopeless moment, Diederich argues that the corruptible nature of the church does not reflect a corruptible nature in God and portrays this attitude in his main character Boli. Despite the world around him, Boli never gives up his hope or his goodness. When faced with a world of consumed in corruption, Boli inspires those around him to be better people and devotes himself to the ideals of hope, faith and justice. Works Cited Diederich, Phillippe. Playing for the Devils Fire. Cinco Puntos Press, 2016. Portes, Alejandro, and Ruben G. Rumbaut. Immigrant America: a Portrait. Univ. of California Pr., 1990.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Conflict Between Christians And Non Christians - 1849 Words

If Jesus is superior and anyone who does not worship him is inferior, how can the world get along? Cross-cultural dialogue has been difficult to sustain over time because Christian monarchs, military men and other officials from Europe have maintained hegemony based on faulty notions of piety and the ethnocentric subjugation of religious minorities not conducive to diplomacy between Christians and non-Christians. Yet, some Europeans broke away from their ignorant leadership by learning more about non-Christians, such as the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas. Medieval Christian leaders professed a devotion to Jesus that presumed religious diversity as contemptible and allowed Christians to annex unbelieving Muslims, Jews, and heretical polytheists. These leaders sadistically imposed militaristic imperialism and legal discrimination upon non-Christians through the ecclesiastical and political normalization of worshipping the one and only Christ. In the â€Å"Old World† of E urope and the Near East, many Christians in positions of power, such as European â€Å"Frankish† crusaders and royal officials, marginalized Muslims, Jews and other non-Christians as inferior infidels through discriminatory legal codes and violent expansionism. Thus, Christians in power acted as savage as their stereotypes of non-Christians. In the New World, or the continents currently known as the Americas, the misguided navigator Columbus continued to mute cross-cultural dialogue by claiming the natural andShow MoreRelatedIslam and the West in the Middle Ages838 Words   |  3 PagesIn Samuel Huntington’s thesis, Clash of Civilizations, he describes the post-Cold War world as one that would now base its conflicts on people’s culture and religion. 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We put an emphasis on Christ being the reason for the season, but go out and spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on gifts and tell our kids they all come from Santa Claus, but as Christians we get mad at the world because they no longer want to say, â€Å"Merry Christmas† or they spell it X-mas. When Paul went into Athens, he went with the knowledge of their culture and knew how to apply the Gospel to their teachings. Human needs haveRead MoreThe Conflict Between China And The United States1386 Words   |  6 Pagesfavor of Samuel Huntington’s theory of the â€Å"clash of civilizations† through cultural divisions in the context of the in creasing global conflict between China and The United States. In essence, the â€Å"clash of civilizations† between China and the United States will be primarily based on the problem of cultural hegemony in the 21st century struggle for global dominance between these two modern nation states. Huntington’s theory provides ample evidence of the growing clash of religious cultural values, whichRead More The Importance of Religion Essay example1058 Words   |  5 Pagescertain â€Å"enlightenment† if you will, is a very recent development in society. â€Å"Many of the conflicts we see throughout the world are a revolt against 300 years of domination by Western civilization,† said Miller. â€Å"Some extremist religious groups are trying to expel the outside influences, primarily from the West, from their culture.† The fact that extremist religious factions feed on these conflicts and reformulate them according to religious absolutes is a key point, according to scholars. ARead MoreA Comparative Study of Christianity and Islam1702 Words   |  7 Pagesfollowers can get along, owing to numerous differences between them. And it has been proved that most of the religiously motivated conflicts, mass crimes against humanity and genocides in the 20th century were between Muslims and Christians. Thus, it should be of great value to probe into the similarities and differences between these two religions. II. Similarities Firstly, the origination for both religions has a lot to do with the class conflict and oppression. They both came into being in responseRead MoreThe Five Major Religions : Hinduism, Christianity, And Islam868 Words   |  4 Pagesthink that all religions are true and that they are only different routes to God or the Real to find salvation. The religions have same similarities and some areas of conflict that Hick explain with his theory of Pluralism. Pluralism is when more than one religion is true. In the last section of the essay, Hick explain the move of Christians from being exclusive to inclusive. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Theme of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet - 583 Words

‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare incorporates the theme of conflict through many different characters and situations. The definition of conflict is â€Å"a fight, battle, or struggle; especially a prolonged struggle; strife† The play mainly focuses on the tragic lives of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet; the two characters belong to the Montague and Capulet households respectively, which have held ongoing grudges against each other for years. The play ends with both main characters committing suicide, to be together in heaven. As with many of Shakespeare’s works, the theme of conflict is a strong one. For a start, there is the ongoing conflict between the two families; the Montagues and the Capulets. The audience is unsure how this†¦show more content†¦Despite the obvious conflict between the pair of families, Shakespeare still shows conflict through other ways. Capulet argues with his daughter Juliet over her refusal to marry Paris, for example. Of course, there are other themes included within the play, and these often inter-relate or contrast with the prevailing theme of conflict. For example, there is a relatively strong theme of love, mostly between Romeo and Juliet, however this is affected by the conflict between Capulet Juliet and Romeo Tybalt amongst others, making Romeo and Juliet relationship a struggle; this is vital to the play’s storyline. So therefore, without this element of conflict, the storyline is less effective. The play starts with Sampson and Gregory, two of Capulet’s servants, beginning a quarrel with two servants of Montague. This shows that from the working-class to the upper-class in the two families, they still hold a grudge against the opposite family. Tybalt arrives at the scene, speaking of his loathing of the Montagues, â€Å"I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee†. A furious riot develops with Lords Capulet and Montague joining in and officers clubbing both sides of the fight, only for it to be stopped by the neutral Prince Escales. The riot further emphasises the vast level of hate between the two families. In essence, the play is a love story; it would work well even without any elements of conflict. However, this love story isShow MoreRelatedTheme of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet781 Words   |  4 PagesRomeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeares most famous and popular plays. It tells the story of two starcrossd lovers and addresses such themes as Romance but also tragedy. However it also contains themes of violence/conflict/death. The play begins with a prologue which is kind of a summary of the play but doesnt give all the details of the play away to the audience as it includes the setting of the play and a bit of background information. 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Economic Fundamental JB HI- FI Limited

Question: Discuss about the Economic Fundamental for JB HI- FI Limited. Answer: Part 1 A top down analysis involves the objectivity of analyzing an aspect in a wider view and then concluding with the smaller component of the aspect. It mainly looks at the overall aspect for example a companys macroeconomic trend. In this task, the top down analysis is given with regards to the overall economic environment and consideration on how there is a change in view of economic fundamentals of JB HI-FI Limited and Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (Harvey Norman Holdings 2010). On the same note, the top down analysis on the economic fundamentals of the subject companys also gives an overview how the performance of the companies in question have been impacted courtesy of the subject analysis. Top down analysis of the economic environment of JB HI- FI Limited The economic environment of the subject limited company is in line with the most recent economic data that was conducted by economic experts; the data showed that the economy of JB Hi- Fi Limited is at a favorable stand. The environment proved that the companys stock is considered to have improved by about 30%, in line with a top down analysis of the past six months. This status has made the company to hit another new record, considering the fact that it is ranked at position 97 out of the top 2000 companies in Australia (Jacques Kepos 2012). On the same note, it is debated that the companys economic environment revolves around the income generated from the income earned from other Store Based Retailing Industries in Australia. How forecast change in JB Hi- Fi Limiteds economic fundamental will impact its Performance The forecast change in economic fundamental will impact its performance positively. This is with regards to the already discussed key concerns. On the other hand, Australian financial reports have also shown that the interest rates of JB Hi- Fi limited company have gone down and this is to the consumer or company customers advantage. Its current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and $ AUD value was also covered in the report. The GDP had improved courtesy of increased consumers support due to their increased consumption rate for the products. The value of $ AUD was also analyzed to have gone up thereby increasing the monetary income of the company. In view of the context question, there is a likelihood of the companys performance moving to a better stand. Economic Environment of Harvey Norman Holdings Limited Harvey Norman Holdings Limited shares on the same economic environment just like its competitor JB Hi- Fi Limited Company. Its share on favorable economic conditions which has boosted the confidence of consumers in consuming its products and this has improved the companys sale. How forecast changes in economic conditions has impacted the performance of the subject company in the industry The changes in the economic environment have positively impacted the performance of the company. In the previous years, the consumers confidence on products produced by Harvey Norman Holdings was low but this has changed over time. On the same view, the current interest rate of the limited company in context is also seen to be below 10% which in the perspective of key financial experts is to the benefit of consumers. Apart from the mentioned, the companys Gross Domestic Product and value of $ AUD is seen to be at an improved stand thereby sharing in the same performance as JB Hi- Fi Limited Company. Part 2 Bottom- Up analysis of the financial situation of both JB Hi- Fi Limited and Harvey Norman Holdings Limited Bottom- up analysis simple means the approach that is made to certain aspect of analysis and giving less concern to both market cycle and economic cycle. The bottom-up analysis of the subject covers key areas with regards to the mentioned companies accounting ratios and also a selection of few key performance measures that the companys bear. These measures are also analyzed by the subject analysis in order to ascertain the companies performance. The analysis of the accounting ratio of JB Hi- Fi Limited and Harvey Norman Holdings Limited is in line with the financial analysis of the companies. The analysis of the latter company shows that its ratio is determined by the strong growth in terms of its revenue of 8.40% to $ 2. 96b in 2011 and a further 5.70% increase to about $3.13b in 2012. Since the year 2011 to date, the accounting ratio of JB Hi- Fi Limited Company is seen to be at favorable stand because it has experienced an upward trend in terms of its performance. This the main reason why it is seen to be better as compared to Harvey Norman Holdings Limited. On the other hand, the accounting ratio of Harvey Norman Holdings especially within the past five months is noticed to have attributed to by the accounts inventory, other payable interests in terms of loans and borrowing and finally trade. For example, in the financial year 2011, the number of the companys inventory 336,742 and in the financial year 2012, a notable decrease of about 22% was observed. The decrease was noted until 2014, and in 2015, there was a slight increase in terms of the subject. With the above discussed financial facts to the two Limited Companies in context, it is concurrent to conclude that the accounting ratio of JB Hi- Fi Limited is at a better position as opposed to its competitor Harvey Norman Holdings. The ratio estimate can be at 3:2 respectively. Few Key Performance Measures The bottom- up analysis of the subject limited companies covers various performance measures as previously mentioned. These measures include the following; profitability, risk, stability and finally growth. Definition of the key Performance Measures The first key performance measure is on profitability, the subject measure is mainly concerned by the extra income generated by the two limited companies in context. The second measure of performance is on growth, which is mainly concerned with the positive trends in both JB Hi- Fi limited and Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (Nelson Information 2002). If a company shows positive trends in its operations then it is concluded that it is growing. Other than the mentioned, the other key measure is on risk which associated with factors that can lead to the downfall of the two companies. The final measure is that of stability as provided earlier. The main point on stability is on the maintenance of the companies trend of operation. Explanation of the measures and what they tell in the performance of a company Profitability Both JB Hi- Fi company are argued to have given keen consideration to this key measure since it is what determines the stability of the companies in the market. It is estimated that the profits that the two companies are enjoying is because of increase in their sales which has gone up to 5.8% which is equivalent to around $ 3.3billion on their sales earnings. Growth The two companies in context are not at their original stand. They have grown in terms of their business dealings over the years. Their growth can be estimated in terms of current number shares they each hold, number of employees, the existing remuneration, the number of their customers globally, their individual Gross Domestic Products and finally the evaluation of their financial reports. The bottom up analysis in context reveals that the individual companies have grown in almost all perspective and this has increased their sales and even GDP. Currently, the companies in context are serious competitors in the business domain are both ranked favorably. Risk This is a key measure that every company always wants to take care of. The irony is that business involves a lot of risking; you invest money into a particular business with no particular surety whether the business will bring back good returns. The companies in context have had issues with risk management and it is because of this that they are in their current positions. For example, JB Hi- Fi Companys major risk has been on debt to equity ratio, where it borrows money from the bank to accelerate itself through leverage (O'neill 2002). This is usually risky since too much leverage can lead to disaster especially if a business has problems of servicing the loan. JB Hi- Fi has been able to control this among other risks and this has influenced its performance positively. The same discussed risk in the case of JB Hi- Fi is also the same to its competitor Harvey Norman Holdings Limited. Harvey Norman Holdings Limited has also been able to manage its risks very well and that is why its performance is at a better stand as well. Stability The two companies have showed steady trends in terms of their operations. They have been able to operate well and even maintaining higher levels of financial stands. Currently, the companies in context are within top 100 of the overall company ranking amongst the first top 2000 Australian companies. This kind of impressive performance is attributed to by their steadiness in their operations (Kirby 2003). Summary on how economic fundamentals changes analyzed in top down analysis part affects the value of companies and its shared price analyzed in the bottom part analysis Important economic changes analyzed in top down analysis as shown in the subsequent paragraph improves the companys value. This has been captured for both JB Hi- Fi and Harvey Norman Holdings Limited in the paragraphs above. The changes in their economic environments have made the companies aestheticism to be realized. Most of the economic fundamentals with regards to down analysis have shown both JB Hi- Fi and Harvey Norman Holdings being able to operate at the top of their competitors. What is clear with the economic fundamental factors is that they influence the companys performance to a better stand thereby increasing value. Furthermore, the shared price of the mentioned companies with respect to top down analysis in the bottom up analysis is majorly on issues related to the companies performance (Vann Aberjhani 2008). This is an area that has been extensively covered in the bottom up stage and has even lead to the bringing on board a number of measures of performances that the companies in question takes into keen consideration. These key measures have included; profitability, growth, risks and finally stability. Performance is a shared price analyzed in the bottom up analysis since all that which is entailed in the top down analysis were all directed to it as the end aspect. Recommendations for companies in terms of financial management and investment for better results and performance to be achieved The first recommendation is that companies to develop better decision making just like we have covered in our class notes to enable them come up with better ideas that can impact them positively. The second recommendation is companies to look for better branding that will enable them restore confidence in their customers to develop taste and preference for products that they deal in. This will positively improve both their performance and accord them better results as well Nevertheless, I would recommend for companies to develop clear objectives which they will have to meet, and should they not meet them, they are suppose to go back to the drawing board and come up with ways of achieving them. This will enable companies to have focus in their operations and the end result will be likable. The final recommendation that I would give is for companies to incorporate into their constitution, series of meetings that will ensure that they do regular evaluation of their operation and come up with policies that can improve their performance and give them better results. References Harvey Norman Holdings. (2010). Annual report. Auburn, N.S.W., The Company. Jacques, D., Kepos, P. (2012). International directory of company histories. Volume 136 Volume 136. Detroit, Mich, St. James Press. Nelson Information, INC. (2002). Nelson Information's directory of investment research. Port Chester, N.Y., Nelson Information. Kirby, J. (2003). Gerry Harvey: business secrets of Harvey Norman's retailing mastermind. Milton, Qld, John Wiley Sons. O'neill, E. (2002). Long day's journey into night. New Haven, Yale Nota Bene. Vann, L. E., Aberjhani. (2008). Elemental: the power of illuminated love. Columbia, SC, Soar Pub.