Sunday, May 17, 2020

Conflict Between Christians And Non Christians - 1849 Words

If Jesus is superior and anyone who does not worship him is inferior, how can the world get along? Cross-cultural dialogue has been difficult to sustain over time because Christian monarchs, military men and other officials from Europe have maintained hegemony based on faulty notions of piety and the ethnocentric subjugation of religious minorities not conducive to diplomacy between Christians and non-Christians. Yet, some Europeans broke away from their ignorant leadership by learning more about non-Christians, such as the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas. Medieval Christian leaders professed a devotion to Jesus that presumed religious diversity as contemptible and allowed Christians to annex unbelieving Muslims, Jews, and heretical polytheists. These leaders sadistically imposed militaristic imperialism and legal discrimination upon non-Christians through the ecclesiastical and political normalization of worshipping the one and only Christ. In the â€Å"Old World† of E urope and the Near East, many Christians in positions of power, such as European â€Å"Frankish† crusaders and royal officials, marginalized Muslims, Jews and other non-Christians as inferior infidels through discriminatory legal codes and violent expansionism. Thus, Christians in power acted as savage as their stereotypes of non-Christians. In the New World, or the continents currently known as the Americas, the misguided navigator Columbus continued to mute cross-cultural dialogue by claiming the natural andShow MoreRelatedIslam and the West in the Middle Ages838 Words   |  3 PagesIn Samuel Huntington’s thesis, Clash of Civilizations, he describes the post-Cold War world as one that would now base its conflicts on people’s culture and religion. 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We put an emphasis on Christ being the reason for the season, but go out and spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on gifts and tell our kids they all come from Santa Claus, but as Christians we get mad at the world because they no longer want to say, â€Å"Merry Christmas† or they spell it X-mas. When Paul went into Athens, he went with the knowledge of their culture and knew how to apply the Gospel to their teachings. Human needs haveRead MoreThe Conflict Between China And The United States1386 Words   |  6 Pagesfavor of Samuel Huntington’s theory of the â€Å"clash of civilizations† through cultural divisions in the context of the in creasing global conflict between China and The United States. In essence, the â€Å"clash of civilizations† between China and the United States will be primarily based on the problem of cultural hegemony in the 21st century struggle for global dominance between these two modern nation states. 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