Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Theme of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet - 583 Words

‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare incorporates the theme of conflict through many different characters and situations. The definition of conflict is â€Å"a fight, battle, or struggle; especially a prolonged struggle; strife† The play mainly focuses on the tragic lives of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet; the two characters belong to the Montague and Capulet households respectively, which have held ongoing grudges against each other for years. The play ends with both main characters committing suicide, to be together in heaven. As with many of Shakespeare’s works, the theme of conflict is a strong one. For a start, there is the ongoing conflict between the two families; the Montagues and the Capulets. The audience is unsure how this†¦show more content†¦Despite the obvious conflict between the pair of families, Shakespeare still shows conflict through other ways. Capulet argues with his daughter Juliet over her refusal to marry Paris, for example. Of course, there are other themes included within the play, and these often inter-relate or contrast with the prevailing theme of conflict. For example, there is a relatively strong theme of love, mostly between Romeo and Juliet, however this is affected by the conflict between Capulet Juliet and Romeo Tybalt amongst others, making Romeo and Juliet relationship a struggle; this is vital to the play’s storyline. So therefore, without this element of conflict, the storyline is less effective. The play starts with Sampson and Gregory, two of Capulet’s servants, beginning a quarrel with two servants of Montague. This shows that from the working-class to the upper-class in the two families, they still hold a grudge against the opposite family. Tybalt arrives at the scene, speaking of his loathing of the Montagues, â€Å"I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee†. A furious riot develops with Lords Capulet and Montague joining in and officers clubbing both sides of the fight, only for it to be stopped by the neutral Prince Escales. The riot further emphasises the vast level of hate between the two families. In essence, the play is a love story; it would work well even without any elements of conflict. However, this love story isShow MoreRelatedTheme of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet781 Words   |  4 PagesRomeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeares most famous and popular plays. It tells the story of two starcrossd lovers and addresses such themes as Romance but also tragedy. However it also contains themes of violence/conflict/death. The play begins with a prologue which is kind of a summary of the play but doesnt give all the details of the play away to the audience as it includes the setting of the play and a bit of background information. 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